Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for May 24, 2024
richard's poor almanac the washington auto show by richard thompson man 1: awesome! man 2: whoa! man 3: cool! interest ran high in hummer's new line of smaller gas-efficient vehicles, dubbed hummbugs, even though they were obviously little chunks of a full-sized hummer that'd been chopped up & repackaged. other gm models showed a tendency towards gloominess. among those displayed were the chevrolet enerva, the buick fantod and the cadillac slough of despond (pictured). ford tried to be more upbeat, touting its new truck, the overhaul, as "roomy enough for a family of 6 plus all their earthly posses-sions" and "great for those sudden, wrenching relocations." the hit of the show was the new smidgen, from nokia-rascal, a hybrid car-cellphone with digital video camera, 2-5" screen, satellite radio, bluetooth, a continuous prostate monitor & squatonomic steering system. reportedly, it will also be available pimped. nokia: can you hear me now? man 4: awesome
The “Overhaul” looks like just the thing to move from Tennessee to Beverly Hills