Richard's Poor Almanac by Richard Thompson for February 24, 2025
richard's poor almanac by richard thompson summer reading man 1: i'm reading "operation: snafu" by a newly disillusioned tom clancy. in this one, cia agent jack ryan is demoted to junior assistant esperanto translator in the des moines office after he blows a terrorist investigation & half the u.s. gets wiped off the map! girl: i've started "harry potter & the something something" by j.k. rowling. it's just roughly sketced in outline form and she's padded it with doodles & photocopies of her royalty checks. it's the best harry potter yet! harry potter and the something something man 2: i'm reading "how i created western civilization and spider-man, too" by marvel publisher stan lee. stan lee bird: 'nuff said. lady: i'm reading the newspaper's front page headlines from ten feet away. if the typeface is unduly large & threatening or if it features a grim-visaged rumsfeld photo, i run to the basement & hide under a mattress.
gigagrouch about 3 hours ago
Still timely