Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for September 27, 2014
Voice: Vaya con dios, gringo. It is an honor for a nobody like myself to asesinar such a grande hombre... Woman: The judge that Sheriff killed, he was my grandfather. Well, probably, my grandmother drank a lot of mescal! Voice: Hey, listen, send me a link to I've got to go save y girl from getting her neck stretched! Girl: Of course! And hey, if they already hung her, muchaco... I'll give you my digits.
mcboyes96 over 10 years ago
Ha Ha that’s funny.
AlnicoV over 10 years ago
I could see Rip as a guy with a girl in every port, so to say.
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
Breezy could do with a longer neck.
jz27wk Premium Member over 10 years ago
,,,and maybe her phone number too?
punchydugan over 10 years ago
Whew. That is one tough cookie. Almost puts Cobra to shame..
lecrenb over 10 years ago
And, as always, the villains can’t shut up long enough to shoot… or should that be Ka-Shoot?
And yes, it would be interesting if our Mexicali Rose could keep popping up from tome to time, how about it Dan?
DorianKTB over 10 years ago
Rip and company are lucky the bad guys so often get clobbered in time for getting rescued and such! :-D
Dragoncat over 10 years ago
That would explain why she’s on the force.
imbaldeagle over 10 years ago
I felt a great disturbance in the Force
johnrussco over 10 years ago
all the gals like Rip