Rip Haywire by Dan Thompson for June 21, 2015
Breezy: Help me, Doc, I've been shot. Doctor: Of course, Child, come in... Narrator: Rip and Breezy are on the run and seeking medical assistance! Man: Yes, come in, chic, the sheriff thought you'd show up here... Man 2: Where's your amigo? Rip Haywire: I left my HMO card at home... is that a problem? Doctor: Let the fools at Blue Shield deal with it, Muchacho! Rip Haywire: Breezy was shot in her shoulder... compliments of your corrupt Sheriff. While I go lodge a complaint in the Sheriff's face, can I trust you to take care of her? Doctor: Of course! That Sheriff has been stealing the time magazines in my waiting room for years! Breezy: My man... say that again, Doc, I like the sound of it Rip Haywire: Your boss, the crooked Sheriff, where is he? Man: Right here, amigo. Rip Haywire: Ow! That was my good leg! Man: So this is your bad leg? Where's the girl? Woman: This gringo is too macho to ever give her up. Put him down! Rip Haywire: No wait... Woman: Muy macho! Rip Haywire: I was wrong. This leg hurts way more. Man: Search the town, the big Gingo's woman can't be far. Rip Haywire: I saw your Sheriff gun down the judge...
johnrussco over 9 years ago
… it may not look good for our hero, but we all know that these two are now in big trouble!