Ripley's Believe It or Not by Ripley’s Believe It or Not! for April 23, 2015
Mexican all male dance troupes wear botas picsudas, pointy boots with their toes elongated as much as 5 feet! In 1982, Daniel Ennis Whiteside of Broward County, FL, was born with a bullet in his head after his mother was shot- they both survived! In 2011, an Australian chef Minister insured President Obama with a $50,000 policy against crocodile attacks.
Templo S.U.D. almost 10 years ago
Ralph of “A Christmas Story” better not get that footwear when he goes to Mexico.
juicebruce almost 10 years ago
How do you go to the Loo with those shoes on ?
Dave Ferro almost 10 years ago
So… If Obama had been eaten by a croc, who would have gotten the $50,000?
Neo Stryder almost 10 years ago
First time I heard of those botas picudas, and I live in Mexico.
francisrossi almost 10 years ago
I’ve seen those shoes before. They’re jaw-dropping. In more than one way.
johnrussco almost 10 years ago
I am thankful for our president but I did not vote for President Obama mainly because I am a pro life supporter even tho and I am a democrat (oxymoron) but I support, believe in and pray for him.
If you wonder why we live in such perilous times with the lack of peace. It is because not enough people pray for our leaders. In 1st Timothy chapter 2 verses 1 & 2 explains the problem.
I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men;2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.
If just 10% of the Christians would ask God to lead, guide, direct and inspire our leaders we could and would have a different and much safer and better world.
johnrussco almost 10 years ago
that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty..go figure
Scott S almost 10 years ago
Pointy-toed boots were invented so people could stomp on cockroaches in the corners of the room!
benbrilling almost 10 years ago
Is Daniel Whiteside still living? How’s his health and what is his IQ?
benbrilling almost 10 years ago
If Obama had insurance against republican attacks he’d be extremely wealthy.
finnygirl Premium Member almost 10 years ago
In my country girl youth, I sometimes said of an attractive man, “He can put his boots under my bed anytime.” In this case, I might have to reconsider…! :-D
english.ann almost 10 years ago
Scott S,I wonder if people are able to DANCE in those pointy-toed boots, singing La Cucaracha? The title translates to The Cockroach. I’ve heard that Mexicans would sing the song while stomping the cockroaches dead under their feet as they danced.