Mornings lost some of their charm the morning after I learned what birds were actually singing. According to my teachers, at best they were singing, “Hey BABY…WHOEVER you are…I have a nest and I’m the best…let’s make eggs!!!”and at the worst-“I’m the biggest meanest wickedest songbird in this tree and if you don’t stay away from my nest I’ll peck your eyes out.”Let’s all sing like the birdys sing, expletive expletive expletive./sigh
Mornings lost some of their charm the morning after I learned what birds were actually singing. According to my teachers, at best they were singing, “Hey BABY…WHOEVER you are…I have a nest and I’m the best…let’s make eggs!!!”and at the worst-“I’m the biggest meanest wickedest songbird in this tree and if you don’t stay away from my nest I’ll peck your eyes out.”Let’s all sing like the birdys sing, expletive expletive expletive./sigh