Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Zach Weinersmith for September 24, 2020
My theory is that even though you're an atheist, you will still worship. You just worship yourself. You see yourself as all-powerful. Interesting point. Hey, you wanna go see the boobs tree that grows boobs? There's no such thing. Then I guess your theory is wrong.
Algolei I over 4 years ago
Yeah, whenever I say I’m an atheist, there’s usually someone nearby who will tell me I believe something I don’t believe in.
“Oh, you believe you evolved from a rock!”
“Oh, you believe nothing exploded and created everything!”
“Oh, you believe Bieber is a better singer than Beyoncé!”
Some days I just want to turn to that person and say, “Shut up, Mom!”
Ida No over 4 years ago
I’m a believer!
mistercatworks over 4 years ago
We all enjoy other people telling us what we ACTUALLY worship, don’t we? :)
StephenRice over 4 years ago
I admit I don’t get the response here. The initial claim is sort of true, but badly stated. I would say that we all have some kind of reference point from which our worldview and values derive. The statement here is basically that we all have some person or thing we supremely value. That’s in roughly the same category as saying there is a thing or class of things that are the tallest, shortest, most/least massy, etc. It’s at least trivially true. But whether that supremely valued person/thing constitutes a god in more than a figurative sense is another matter.
But to invoke an object most people would acknowledge to be non-existent seems irrelevant in this context.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 4 years ago
It is also odd they think a non-believer has nothing in their brain. Believe in nothing they say derisively.