Where can I get a mermaid shower curtain?
What is the technical name for the smooching-his-mermaid-shower-curtain fetish? Lab Rat on flying Gary-bat: priceless!
Love the expressions on both of their faces in the last panel. The things we do for our little ones!
At least the rat’s happy. That’s what’s important, right?
If I had the ability to take the form of anything that flies, I don’t think I’d ever have the need to assume human form again.
Except possibly for the reason stated in today’s Lost Bear — ice cream.
If you can blackmail a vampire, you can go for a ride on his batmobile.
Awesome. Would love to ride on a bat! Agreed-Gary looks much fitter:)
Look! It’s Batman and Vermin!
I thought vampires don’t photograph.
Wait… who is who’s henchman? :-s
October 24, 2014
fredbuhl over 13 years ago
Where can I get a mermaid shower curtain?
Sisyphos over 13 years ago
What is the technical name for the smooching-his-mermaid-shower-curtain fetish? Lab Rat on flying Gary-bat: priceless!
alan.gurka over 13 years ago
Love the expressions on both of their faces in the last panel. The things we do for our little ones!
bluegirl285 over 13 years ago
At least the rat’s happy. That’s what’s important, right?
Clobbered by Science Premium Member over 13 years ago
If I had the ability to take the form of anything that flies, I don’t think I’d ever have the need to assume human form again.
Except possibly for the reason stated in today’s Lost Bear — ice cream.
Malcolm Hall over 13 years ago
If you can blackmail a vampire, you can go for a ride on his batmobile.
7catsrule over 13 years ago
Awesome. Would love to ride on a bat! Agreed-Gary looks much fitter:)
WebSpider over 13 years ago
Look! It’s Batman and Vermin!
Airboy20 over 13 years ago
I thought vampires don’t photograph.
burleigh2 over 13 years ago
Wait… who is who’s henchman? :-s