Bravo, Jon! Your strip attends to the local and the metaphysical as well. Your comic I hate to love, and love to hate (the colors.) But, I don’t mean to sully, besmirch, defame, disparage, or deride today’s nutritious confection – rock on, digits up!
Ida No over 7 years ago
Reality needs a good editor and a better agent.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 7 years ago
GusSnarp over 7 years ago
What are the odds of this comic being posted the day after the trailer dropped for the new series?
Chrystos B Minot Premium Member over 7 years ago
Bravo, Jon! Your strip attends to the local and the metaphysical as well. Your comic I hate to love, and love to hate (the colors.) But, I don’t mean to sully, besmirch, defame, disparage, or deride today’s nutritious confection – rock on, digits up!