When my grandsons were young, one happened to go into a small closet looking for a toy and he discovered the two Easter baskets already filled for the up coming holiday! He ran and got his brother and they both gasped! They both ran downstairs and stood in front of their parents and said, “YOU BOTH LIED TO US! You’re the Easter Bunny and now we know there’s no Santa, you’re Santa! And there’s no Tooth Fairy!! “ GASP! Talk about a rude awakening!
When my grandsons were young, one happened to go into a small closet looking for a toy and he discovered the two Easter baskets already filled for the up coming holiday! He ran and got his brother and they both gasped! They both ran downstairs and stood in front of their parents and said, “YOU BOTH LIED TO US! You’re the Easter Bunny and now we know there’s no Santa, you’re Santa! And there’s no Tooth Fairy!! “ GASP! Talk about a rude awakening!