Viz’s “Billy the Fish” had the best cliffhangers, because the resolutions were always completely perfunctory, and a total insult to any reader’s intelligence. They raised disappointment to an art form. (“You’ve been dreaming, Billy. Very much like last time.”)
Space_cat over 9 years ago
I swear, this was the cliffhanger ending of every one of the original Batman series with Adam West and Burt Ward.
BadVlad over 9 years ago
He didn’t even have to use some gadget from his utility belt.
jpozenel over 9 years ago
“Do you expect me to talk?”
“No Mr. Bond I expect you to die.”
Kip W over 9 years ago
Viz’s “Billy the Fish” had the best cliffhangers, because the resolutions were always completely perfunctory, and a total insult to any reader’s intelligence. They raised disappointment to an art form. (“You’ve been dreaming, Billy. Very much like last time.”)
bigplayray about 5 years ago
I love the randomness of this strip!