If the ability to throw a baseball had any correlation with being President of the US, George W. Bush (you know, the 2 term President who The Republican Party kept away from their national convention in 2008) should have been the greatest President ever. He was arguably one of the worst.
Linguist over 11 years ago
Roll the tape…
Polsixe over 11 years ago
It’s hard for average people to throw a flat ball 60’.
jbmlaw01 over 11 years ago
I’ll be ready when my day comes. I still have a 60’ 6" knuckleball. My fastball is around the same speed, though.
flyertom over 11 years ago
Didn’t know who that was, and had to look it up.Yeah, it’s pretty awful:http://youtu.be/AgwAywJlo1M
jackhs over 11 years ago
I used to pitch. Now my shoulder is shot post surgery. I would be hard pressed to get one all the way there.
renewed1 over 11 years ago
Would like to see a replay of Obama’s attempt.
loner34 over 11 years ago
Here you are renewed1
mabrndt Premium Member over 11 years ago
If the ability to throw a baseball had any correlation with being President of the US, George W. Bush (you know, the 2 term President who The Republican Party kept away from their national convention in 2008) should have been the greatest President ever. He was arguably one of the worst.