Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds for October 22, 2020

  1. Large 1699141985732
    shanen0  over 4 years ago

    And Covid-19 has NOTHING to do with it. Does Bill Hinds need new glasses?

    Kind of hilarious. I actually have access to news broadcasts from a bunch of countries. It’s a kind of digest of the top stories, usually the top 2 or 3 from each country. I remember regulars are BBC, channels from Germany, France, Russia, Qatar, various other countries are less regular. But I cannot remember when Covid-19 wasn’t one of the top stories. Sports? Sometimes a sports story will make it to the top, but usually because of how the sport was affected by Covid-19.

    Maybe “woke” politics is such a big thing somewhere?

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    duggersd Premium Member over 4 years ago

    Insult your audience and they will leave. Keep telling your audience they are not worthy of watching you, they will leave. Preach at your audience about how they need to change, they will leave. Tell your audience a patriotic flyover is a waste of taxpayer money, they will leave.

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  3. Harvey  2
    Pohka  over 4 years ago

    So, with reduced viewer/fans how long before TV advertising is reduced, followed by team income, followed by player income? Maybe high end professional athletes salaries will fall closer to reasonable (won’t bash rookie salaries). But then maybe colleges will worry more about STUDENTS/athletes than being breeding grounds for professional sports teams. Next on the agenda, righting professional entertainers other than athletes! Imagine big time movie stars and musicians coming closer to real people in income;-)

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  4. Lifi
    rossevrymn  over 4 years ago

    This toon series must be makin’ the right-wing populists so very happy.

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    amxchester  over 4 years ago

    How about the hypocrisy of the NBA? When a front office member rips China over Hong Kong AND LeB James & China’s responses are consider more important.That is part of the problem.

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    MartinPerry1  over 4 years ago

    It’s not the “woke” politics. It’s simply the fact that people aren’t experiencing the joy of being part of a mob, which is most of the fascination with the game. They even miss the vicarious experience of watching the fans on TV. Example: Premier League Football Fans singing their club songs.

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  7. Pug yoda1
    Wyo1  over 4 years ago

    I have not watched the NFL in over 2 years. I have not watched the NBA since, well, Michael Jordan’s time. Baseball and Hockey just about lost me also. I do spend more time at the range, though… And flyfishing…:-)

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  8. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  over 4 years ago

    Those spines must be really doing a number on those guys.

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  9. Glam rock days
    sykerocker  over 4 years ago

    Let’s get serious. The only time white America is comfortable with black America is when the blacks are being entertainers. Any time a black person opens his/her mouth in a non-entertainment fashion, white’s hit the roof.

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    smartman  over 4 years ago

    What a completely stupid and inaccurate cartoon, Mr. Hinds. Numerous studies have been done, and all of them conclude that athletes demanding to be more than jesters or dancing monkeys, emphasis on the monkey part as they’re patently racist as hell, to white America hasn’t been the reason for the rating drops. Among the actual reasons: 1)All the sports being played at once, 2)No fans in the stands trigger some people’s brains into thinking the games don’t matter (because empty stands always meant horrible teams or blowouts), 3)More and more people are streaming now which the always useless Neilsen ratings don’t measure. Believe me, I can tell when a game is going on as my internet speeds drop significantly. 4)Some people just stopped watching sports due to realizing they didn’t need it when it went away for months. Some are just so utterly busy with working from home and homeschooling their kids that sports are a luxury they don’t have time or energy for.

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  11. Fritz helm
    BlueKnight1966  over 4 years ago

    #GoWokeGoBrokeCash: the only thing these idiots understand, and they placed the wrong bet.

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  12. 06 us2c ue24
    Sailor46 USN 65-95  over 4 years ago

    If during a pandemic that requires people to stay home and not go out, your ratings go down then you have a problem, but not recognizing why might even be a bigger problem.

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