There is no idea so bad someone won’t have it… And try to pitch it to potential investors.
Shaun, try using the door next time.
Freestyle football snowboarding. Coming this winter to NBC!
Perfect response, Shaun!
Those are not the Bad Boys we remember over here.
Captain Ruiz from JUMP START is making a guest appearance
Bill Hinds
August 01, 2014
LawrenceS 3 days ago
There is no idea so bad someone won’t have it… And try to pitch it to potential investors.
Ellis97 3 days ago
Shaun, try using the door next time.
treutvid 3 days ago
Freestyle football snowboarding. Coming this winter to NBC!
baskate_2000 3 days ago
Perfect response, Shaun!
bobtoledo Premium Member 3 days ago
Those are not the Bad Boys we remember over here.
[Unnamed Reader - 14b4ce] about 17 hours ago
Captain Ruiz from JUMP START is making a guest appearance