Ted Rall for October 16, 2006
Pre-emptive logic. Pre-emption means attacking enemies before they have a chance to attack you first. Sounds simple, but it's not. (Man: No more Mr. Pacifist super power- we're coming for you. Bad enemy folks!) (Bush: Yeah!) Like: North Korea has nukes. And it's threatening to use them. But now it's too late to attack. Its too dangerous! (Man 2: I only called this meeting because I needed to see you grovel. Now grovel! And bring me sandwiches!) (Bush: I'm... s-s-sorry) Iran is close to getting nukes. But we can't go after them either. What if it turns out they already had nukes? (Man 3: Thank allah for Amazon's free express shipping!) The safe time to strike is before a country becomes a threat. Look at Iraq and Afghanistan. They weren't a threat before adn they sure aren't now! (Voice: The U.S. is safe from us.) (Voice 2: We've been bombed past pre-emption straight into perdition!)