Ted Rall for October 21, 2006
How often have you heard hate speech-without even noticing? (Adrift in shark-infested waters...) Anti-shark rherotic has become so widespread that it's scarcely recognized for what it is: rank bigotry. ("infested"?! how nice.) No one says that new York City is "human infested" so why do otherwise sensitive people tolerate the hatred of selachimorphaphobia? Places with high shark populations feature dozens of species living together pretty much peacefully (What you call "infested", I consider merely crowded.) We sharks- great whites. hammerheads, and even threshers- resent the human media's oppression and slander. (We're just fighting back!) You can help! Please use positive words to help counter years of ugly pejorative slurs! (How about "a bounty of sharks"? Or a richness of shark culture?) A message from big fish that are this close to biting yoru ignorant human asses once and for all.