Ted Rall for April 21, 2010
If you started spewing uninformed nonsense in a sports bar, no one would be tolerant or polite. You'd probably get a whuppin' (Man 1: Daryl Raspberry is the best quarter back ever!) (Man 2: Leave now or I won't even leave your lower jaw.) No matter the subject or venue, whack bs gibberish never gets a friendly reception. (Priest: There is no 12th commandment.) (Man 3: I don't know where you get your info, but the internet-) Except for politics in America every ignorant moron is accorded respect for their stupidity and lies. (Man 4: They found the WMDs! They did!) (Woman: He's entitled to his opinion.) Wanted: drunken politics goons. (Man 5: He said Obama is Kenyan.) (Woman 2: Ok, then.)