Ted Rall for June 16, 2014
Americans want you to be religious. (Woman: Which monotheistic belief system are you affiliated with?) But not too religious. (Man 1: I believe the bible. Earth is 6,000 years old.) (Woman: What are you, stupid?) If you follow your religion 100% you're an "extremist" (Woman: Are you wearing a suicide belt?!) If you're 0% you're a weird, marginalized atheist. (Police Officer: Swear on this meaningless text.) Best to be "moderate." so follow maybe 30% of your religion's edicts. (Woman: I eat meat on Fridays. I don't tithe. But I do attend church on important holidays.) (Man: I don't tithe either. I go to church on major holidays too. But eating meat on Fridays is sacrilege!) Because extremists are crazy.