Ted Rall for February 11, 2019

  1. Triumph
    Daeder  over 5 years ago

    It would be a good time for Democrats to remember that the president has now made everything but party affiliation irrelevant.

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  2. Bleach 170
    KenseidenXL  over 5 years ago

    I once dressed up in a full Nazi SS uniform. I was in a movie. BUT, I fully expect that some asshole will take it out of context to claim that it proves I’m a fascist and/or anti"semitic"….

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    tbarry718  over 5 years ago

    Articles of impeachment are being introduced against Fairfax. How is that considered “shutting up”?


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    mattro65  over 5 years ago

    I’m not so sure people should be forever condemned for stupid behavior (not rape-that’s brutal and criminal) while still quite young. I am sure that many more Republicans than Democrats are overtly racist now. Why do they have to be so in your face about it? Why must they go for the lowest common denominator?

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    Darsan54 Premium Member over 5 years ago

    The whole situation smacks of a Republican hit job, a coupe of Virginia’s state government because they lost the election. They use our morals and ethics against us. I propose Fairfax resign first (greater offense & possibly criminal) and Northam appoint someone clean (though that seems to get harder each day) and then do the right thing and resign himself.

    The discovery and apology could have been handled more effectively and sincerely, which would have avoided a lot of problems.

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    DaBoogadie  over 5 years ago

    I have a real hard time with this. I was raised in an extremely racist atmosphere where the N-word ,the S-word, the K-word, the Q-word where common in everyday conversation and some of that (in my youth) slipped into my conversations in the past. The Me of today is not that same person. I never believed that crap, but I did say the words.

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  7. Dillo
    mommadillo  over 5 years ago

    Or here’s a thought – maybe you could be like the Republicans and stand up for your own side instead of always racing to be the first to condemn a fellow party member for even minor transgressions?

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  8. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  over 5 years ago

    I wasn’t part of the crowd calling for Northam’s head (although I loved that he would be replaced by a black progressive), but having all three Democrats embroiled in scandal definitely gave me pause. I just want people digging into Kirk Cox’s past.

    For me, the best resolution would be for Northam to step down (even though I don’t share the outrage of the Democrats), seat Fairfax as governor, have him appoint a new Lt. Governor (I understand Perriello is available), and then for Fairfax to step down.

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    nednewbie  over 5 years ago

    Project Veritas, anybody?

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    Flatworm  over 5 years ago

    Nobody has accused either Northam or Herring, two of the most liberal constitutional officers in Virginia’s long, LONG history, and who have brought us Medicaid expansion, restoration of felon voting rights, and an end to Republican racial gerrymandering of being actual racists. And the allegations against Fairfax are full of holes, utterly unverifiable, and well-coordinated by the “victims,” one of whom his ties to Sean Hannity and the other to Roger Stone, and both of whom are what I call “Fetus People.”

    And the guy who would become governor should all three resign or be removed is Loudoun County’s Kirk Cox, a stone cold racist and anti-abortion crusader.

    I really wish the press would let up on this before this disinformation-based Virginia Republican coup d’etat succeeds.

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  11. Marx.
    DeepState  over 5 years ago

    Steve King? How about good ol’boy Mitch and his confederate flag?

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    79nysv  over 5 years ago

    In the 50s I dressed up as an Indian so the kids playing cowboys could have so one to chase. So I guess I can’t run for Public Office today. PS I’m Irish/Portuguese.

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  13. Rustfungus2a
    Cerabooge  over 5 years ago

    A side note: why hasn’t VMI been shut down?

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  14. Spock
    Spock  over 5 years ago

    I must admit, Ted Rall has a point here.

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    Flatworm  over 5 years ago

    These three have succeeded, against the heavy resistance of Virginia’s Republican legislature, in restoring ex-felons’ voting rights, enacting Medicaid expansion, and defeating Republican racist gerrymandering in favor of districts drawn by an independent commission.

    So, if you are going to accuse Northam and Herring of being racists, maybe you should look at their record rather than their choices of Halloween costumes over 35 years ago, don’tcha think?

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