I no longer have a cat. In May 2005 a litter of mixed breed Maine Coon kittens was born in a barn in southeastern Ohio. Two of them were given to my mom who was then 77 years old.
She kept the one in front and named him Tabby. His sister was returned to the barn. Tabby kept my mom good company up until her death. He was so attached to her that he roamed the house searching for her mournfully crying for months. I moved in and promised him to look after him.
He grew into a beautiful 13 pound indoor cat. Until three weeks ago when his life took a turn for the worse. He stopped eating. Period. He would get on my lap and look at me for help. (I think) He slept by my head last two nights. Something he never did.
This morning I took him to the vets and was petting and talking to him when he drew his last breath.
BBEAR’s Friday posts:
I no longer have a cat. In May 2005 a litter of mixed breed Maine Coon kittens was born in a barn in southeastern Ohio. Two of them were given to my mom who was then 77 years old.
She kept the one in front and named him Tabby. His sister was returned to the barn. Tabby kept my mom good company up until her death. He was so attached to her that he roamed the house searching for her mournfully crying for months. I moved in and promised him to look after him.
He grew into a beautiful 13 pound indoor cat. Until three weeks ago when his life took a turn for the worse. He stopped eating. Period. He would get on my lap and look at me for help. (I think) He slept by my head last two nights. Something he never did.
This morning I took him to the vets and was petting and talking to him when he drew his last breath.