Imagine you and Stumpy playing with one of your toys. You swat it down the hall and Stumpy tries to take it and swat it down the other way. Whoever gets it to their end of the hall gets a treat. ( mansplaining football to a cat…)
I can’t help but think of us everyday joes and janes, what we’d do if we celebrated doing our job like the players do, doing their jobs. “I just finished my project leap” " I made dinner dance" “Look at my group pose. We all showed up for work”
about 6 years ago
I’m not much of a football fan, either.
cat19632001 about 6 years ago
Mittens – you should look into some catball endorsement deals. Think of all the liver treats you could have momma buy you.
Fiona D Premium Member about 6 years ago
Preach it, Mitty!
ptnjbrown about 6 years ago
Imagine you and Stumpy playing with one of your toys. You swat it down the hall and Stumpy tries to take it and swat it down the other way. Whoever gets it to their end of the hall gets a treat. ( mansplaining football to a cat…)
PoodleGroomer about 6 years ago
Cats scream when you step on their tail. Mittens doesn’t want to be there when 3 250 lb defenders land on him.
FrannieL Premium Member about 6 years ago
What! You don’t like men in tights? Sheesh.
mountaingreenery. about 6 years ago
I would watch you if you were on tv, Mittens. I’m sure you could perform a fantastic touchdown dance.
Happy Tinkerbelle Premium Member about 6 years ago
I can’t help but think of us everyday joes and janes, what we’d do if we celebrated doing our job like the players do, doing their jobs. “I just finished my project leap” " I made dinner dance" “Look at my group pose. We all showed up for work”