Alone on the throne. I face the unknown,/ in the dark, dark hours before dawn/in the depths of the night, paralyzed with fright,/ and the feeling that hope is gone../ I had hoped to arise when dawn lit the skies, / and repair to my slight breakfast fare/ but some miserable troll/ has made off with the roll that I reached for – and simply ain’t there ! (it doesn’t always have to be a limerick)
Alone on the throne. I face the unknown,/ in the dark, dark hours before dawn/in the depths of the night, paralyzed with fright,/ and the feeling that hope is gone../ I had hoped to arise when dawn lit the skies, / and repair to my slight breakfast fare/ but some miserable troll/ has made off with the roll that I reached for – and simply ain’t there ! (it doesn’t always have to be a limerick)