Them penguin-looking Porgs cannot be any cuter than the teddy bear-looking Ewoks in “The Return of the Jedi.”
Can you say Gullible??
Nooooooooooooo. . . . resist the Dark Side, you will!
Planet Ahch-to? Right by Planet Gesundheit?
The MUST BUY is strong with this one
My son was given a life-sized porg for his birthday. It is absurdly cute!
Those are cute! I want one! AND an Ewok!
April 08, 2014
Templo S.U.D. over 7 years ago
Them penguin-looking Porgs cannot be any cuter than the teddy bear-looking Ewoks in “The Return of the Jedi.”
CarolinaGirl over 7 years ago
Can you say Gullible??
CoffeeMom over 7 years ago
Nooooooooooooo. . . . resist the Dark Side, you will!
Nate England over 7 years ago
Planet Ahch-to? Right by Planet Gesundheit?
kraftjeff over 7 years ago
The MUST BUY is strong with this one
notinksanymore over 7 years ago
My son was given a life-sized porg for his birthday. It is absurdly cute!
bookworm0812 over 7 years ago
Those are cute! I want one! AND an Ewok!