The employment agency has just lost a big commission. With business cat’s predatory trait and his ability to cook the books they could easily have found him a job as ceo of a major corporation.
On the other hand he may buy this cafe and turn it into a major franchise operation using other peoples money and leverage to expand.
blunebottle about 7 years ago
Good place for him.
Jungle Empress about 7 years ago
I’ve already got my dream job, working in a library. If for some reason that ever loses its appeal, I now have a backup. Thanks, BC!
cassking about 7 years ago
The employment agency has just lost a big commission. With business cat’s predatory trait and his ability to cook the books they could easily have found him a job as ceo of a major corporation.
On the other hand he may buy this cafe and turn it into a major franchise operation using other peoples money and leverage to expand.
Alida_L about 7 years ago
I think that would be pretty cool.
Dragongirl55 about 6 years ago
I went to a cat cafe once. it was fun! I love cats.
CreeperBoy135 over 4 years ago
Reminds me of Cat’s Cafe,
Status: Having nothing better to do over 4 years ago
Is this a crossover with cats cafe?
The Ever-Convenient Object's Shopping Mall over 4 years ago
Oh, my..