Brutus is a horrible boss he’s a Scrooge and a jerk to everybody he complains about everything, I don’t know why Chip Samson won’t retire Brutus he the worst character ever. I still hate the title name “Loser” that Art Samson came up with, it’s so negative.
Argythree almost 5 years ago
Don’t say it…
stellanova87 almost 5 years ago
Brutus, have you ever considered working from home?
A Common 'tator almost 5 years ago
I wanted to work from home… but my boss said that I couldn’t drive my 44 tonner that way…
Michael G. almost 5 years ago
I’ll bet he thinks US cash is made from trees.
Alberta Oil almost 5 years ago
But it keeps the economy going.. if we were all as prudent as possible there would be massive layoffs.
wingrest almost 5 years ago
like his hair stile in last panel
cuzinron47 almost 5 years ago
But money does.
cuzinron47 almost 5 years ago
And that’s what we have printing services on contract for.
whelan_jj almost 5 years ago
Paper doesn’t grow on trees. The trees have to be cut down, ground into pulp and processed.
CrosswalkxStreet almost 5 years ago
Brutus is a horrible boss he’s a Scrooge and a jerk to everybody he complains about everything, I don’t know why Chip Samson won’t retire Brutus he the worst character ever. I still hate the title name “Loser” that Art Samson came up with, it’s so negative.
CrosswalkxStreet over 4 years ago
To the comic strip creator,
Did you know there’s a coronavirus outbreak, why is Brutus going to work, where’s his face mask, both Brutus and Rancid are going to get sick.