The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day by John "Scully" Scully for September 04, 2019

  1. Louis2
    PoodleGroomer  over 5 years ago

    Cast strike party is officially called to disorder. First one with alcohol poisoning gets a free recreational marijuana license..

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  2. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 5 years ago

    The Tale of the Giant Frog Creature from Outer Space (Ep #56) :

    The giant mosquitoes keep impaling the iron doors of the control room where Brekk and others have taken shelter, with their spears. “Now we know they’re forging weapons too”, says Smam.

    “Looks like we’re doomed now”, says Brekk, “But we’ll let em bloody bloodsucking beasts have it before we’re dead!”

    KA-BOOM! Suddenly, there’s a huge explosion on the outside and the giant misquitoes get distracted. Brekk and Smam grab this opportunity and shoot them with their laser guns and kill them. “Keep pushing the brain cabinet, Smam, and I’ll grab the toad king. We’re getting outta here. Looks like our troops have arrived early!”, says Brekk.

    They shoot the giant mosquitoes who get their way on the way out. But as they reach at the castle’s exit, they;re gobsmacked to see the sight outside. It wasn’t the frog troops who were attacking the giant mosquitoes. It was those strange aliens who they had earlier heard about!

    Yes, the same mysterious unknown aliens who had attacked the giant mosquitoes in the snake territory earlier. They were attacking the giant mosquitoes here again!

    “Look, Sir”, says Smam, “just look at all those little UFOs attacking the giant mosquitoes and their hovering ships with very strong laser beams. It looks like they’re some highly advanced alien creatures. And their little UFOs are practically impenetrable by those giant mosquitoes. Look, they are trying to peck and impale those UFOs but getting their proboscises badly damaged from that! And wow, those laser blasts are so strong that they’re felling giant mosquitoes with just one blast!”

    “Yes, Smam”, says Brekk, “I dunno what these mysterious unknown aliens have got against these bloody bloodsucking beasts. But I hope they won’t come after us after they’re done with em!”

    To Be Continued

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  3. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 5 years ago

    This comic deserves an award this year. This year’s story arcs have been especially splendid.

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