The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day by John "Scully" Scully for September 05, 2019

  1. Gentbear3b1a
    Gent  over 5 years ago

    The Tale of the Giant Frog Creature from Outer Space (Ep #57) :

    Finally the frog troops arrive and thanks to the mysterious unknown aliens, the giant mosquito creatures, who had killed most of the toad troops, were all dead. The frog troops declare an easy victory and capture the Toadstool, the Toadlands capital.

    Brekk, Smam, and the others take the captive frog king and the other significant toad captives away to the Frog nation for further inquiries. They also take the brain cabinet back to Frog nation and take it to the lab where Dr. Frogenstein worked, to carry out DNA tests on the brains which is claimed to belong to Dr. Frogenstein.

    The mysterious unknown aliens have disappeared again after destroying some of the giant mosquitoes again. Nobody on Planet Bribbitt knows anything about them or their intentions.

    Frog nation decides to send in more scouts to the Snake Territory, which is still infested by giant mosquitoes, and they’re still rapidly breeding over there. The scout teams also try and look for any survivors or bodies of the previous scout teams, one of which consisted of Corporal Corey and Scout Scott Scout Frog.

    The once rebel leaders, including Brekk, who are now the leaders who have taken over the Frog nation’s administrative controls, call for a meeting. In the meeting, they discuss the plans to vanquish the bloody bloodsucking giant mosquito creatures from Planet Bribbitt. They also discuss plans for getting rid of the giant mosquitoes from the neighbouring Planet Diptera, which is today their primary source of fly food. As the giant mosquitoes have fully infested Planet Diptera, the frogs and toads on Planet Bribbitt are facing hunger crisis.

    They choose and interim prime minister and an interim cabinet to look over matters of Frog nation and also their recently conquered lands of Toadlands. Kermit the hermit frog is chosen as the chief minister for history and future advisory council.

    Brekk stays out of administrative posts as he

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