The Comic Strip That Has A Finale Every Day by John "Scully" Scully for April 19, 2022

  1. 7a3d35b05103496eecec311170ba260d
    Pickled Pete  almost 3 years ago

    National GARLIC Day

    It was a hot, summer day . . .

    A guy was watching TV as his wife was out cutting the grass during the hot summer afternoon. He finally worked up the energy to go out and ask his wife what was for dinner.

    The wife was quite irritated about him sitting in the air conditioned house all day while she did all the work, so she scolded him. “I can’t believe you’re asking me about dinner right now! Imagine I’m out of town, go inside and figure dinner out for yourself.”

    So he went back in the house and fixed himself a big steak, with potatoes, garlic bread and a tall glass of iced tea. The wife finally walked in about the time he was finishing up and asked him, “You fixed something to eat? So where’s mine??”

    “Huh? I thought you were out of town.”

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