The Barn by Ralph Hagen for March 27, 2014

  1. Thorkellsigcopie
    Pharmakeus Ubik  almost 11 years ago

    You wouldn’t Archer Daniels Midland to have a bad quarter, would you?

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    juicebruce  almost 11 years ago

    Good Day Pasture Fans ! Lots of that fertilizer right at Rory and Stan’s feet ! (Yea I know they don’t have feet)

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  3. Shetland sheepdog
    ellisaana Premium Member almost 11 years ago
    I was at a local greenhouse/nursery when a lady came in wanting vegetable plants which were organically grown.

    After she made a small purchase and left, the nursery owner’s son winked at me. (we talk agriculture from time to time)“Wonder if she knows what organic fertilizer is," he said. "She’s the same one who was in here last week complaining about the smell when we were spreading manure on the fields.”

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  4. Coffee pictures 027
    CoffeeBob Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    my best tomatoes grew from the “organic” additives my father gave me from the blood bank he ran on the army base. Sterilized, and very potent iron based liquids in easy to use test tubes ;~)

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    dirgis3  almost 11 years ago

    At least the frog made it rhyme. :-D

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