The Buckets by Greg Cravens for December 18, 2011
So that's it? We're all giving each other the new computer for Christmas... Nothing else? Not at all! You can give everyone as many gifts as you can afford. I'm proud of you wanting to. What did she sa see? It's a smart phone. It works as a phone, camera GPS web device, video player, notepad, day planner, emailer, watch, calendar, calculator, even a thermometer, level, alarm clock and remote control. You're kidding! Let me see that.
LLABDDO about 13 years ago
Add a death ray and it would give a new meaning to road rage.Don’t give it to him, he didn’t say please.
LLABDDO about 13 years ago
@Greg Cravens, surely a gamer like Eddie would also use it as a toy.
nerdalert about 13 years ago
If you throw it really hard at someone it can be a weapon!, not that I’ve done that :)
Allan CB Premium Member about 13 years ago
hahahahahahah THAT is awesome! \\//_ Live Long, and Prosper!
Devils Knight about 13 years ago
WAIT NOOOOO Eddie is a red shirt say it aint so
i_am_the_jam about 13 years ago
Sure, but does it transport you? :D :D :D
gregcartoon Premium Member about 13 years ago
Oh, man. It hadn’t occurred to me that I was putting Eddie in a red shirt on a Star Trek spoof. Bad Karma for me.
Number Three about 13 years ago
Awwwwww. It would take me MONTHS to learn how to use a SmartPhone. ( If I don’t throw it out the window by then)
LOL xxx
Comic Minister Premium Member about 13 years ago
That must be cool to have one of those!
Hunter7 about 13 years ago
Poor red-shirted Eddie. He was such a nice character on the strip. Wait. Not all of those that wore the dreaded red shirt were doomed. Montgomery Scott! The best ship’s engineer in the history of ST!. He wore the red tunic. He took no guff, he dinna believe in bluffing. And he certainly dinna believe in giving up. On anything!.Don’t worry Greg. Eddie can be Scotty. And woe be to Toby, the object of Eddie’s experiments..I have a smartphone. Haven’t figured out even half the stuff it does. And I have had it for over a year. But it is my very first cell phone. So I have a very steep learning curve.
makemlaugh about 13 years ago
Ahh, but will it scan for signs of (intelligent) life? My scans came up zilch. Either the planet was void or the smartphone was just bragging.
gregcartoon Premium Member about 13 years ago
But… Eddie has a name, so he’s okay.
dougdash about 13 years ago
I can’t wait for the Tri-corder App.