A while back, a guy named Joe Amodio posted a LONG status to Facebook. It takes up 20 pages in a Word document. A sample:
Yippie hospitality up jig him hogjowls saw, tonic, fire. Deep-fried give, java creosote his crazy penny, over, afford them, been heffer been. Cowpoke huntin’ jezebel fire mush, uncle, fetched pick-up, put rodeo lyin’ in dogs spittin’. Squalor deep-fried eatin’ old shotgun, havin’, bacon, whoopin’ commencin’ weren’t. Country pasture, sheep, havin’ catfight, deep-fried squalor it. Feud moonshine, jiggly, took come, lament boobtube jest catfight smokin’ feud fightin’, whoopin’.
A while back, a guy named Joe Amodio posted a LONG status to Facebook. It takes up 20 pages in a Word document. A sample:
Yippie hospitality up jig him hogjowls saw, tonic, fire. Deep-fried give, java creosote his crazy penny, over, afford them, been heffer been. Cowpoke huntin’ jezebel fire mush, uncle, fetched pick-up, put rodeo lyin’ in dogs spittin’. Squalor deep-fried eatin’ old shotgun, havin’, bacon, whoopin’ commencin’ weren’t. Country pasture, sheep, havin’ catfight, deep-fried squalor it. Feud moonshine, jiggly, took come, lament boobtube jest catfight smokin’ feud fightin’, whoopin’.