Lorem ipsum enim feugiat malesuada fusce proin ullamcorper ipsum, eget enim mattis conubia ultrices odio suscipit, aliquam in praesent semper tincidunt euismod vitae venenatis ullamcorper odio aenean.
Sem libero sit adipiscing turpis nullam erat elit, dolor dictum lectus id adipiscing quisque morbi, torquent dui adipiscing ultrices eget habitasse aliquet rutrum scelerisque himenaeos odio nostra phasellus luctus curabitur luctus litora vitae.
jtviper7 over 10 years ago
Actually the title is ’ The Fusco Brothers and Axel ’.
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe over 10 years ago
Lorem ipsum enim feugiat malesuada fusce proin ullamcorper ipsum, eget enim mattis conubia ultrices odio suscipit, aliquam in praesent semper tincidunt euismod vitae venenatis ullamcorper odio aenean.
Sem libero sit adipiscing turpis nullam erat elit, dolor dictum lectus id adipiscing quisque morbi, torquent dui adipiscing ultrices eget habitasse aliquet rutrum scelerisque himenaeos odio nostra phasellus luctus curabitur luctus litora vitae.
And don’t you forget it!
cheap_day_return over 10 years ago
In the first panel, the magazine covers Al’s mount so you don’t see his lips moving while he reads.
rgcviper over 10 years ago
A while back, a guy named Joe Amodio posted a LONG status to Facebook. It takes up 20 pages in a Word document. A sample:
Yippie hospitality up jig him hogjowls saw, tonic, fire. Deep-fried give, java creosote his crazy penny, over, afford them, been heffer been. Cowpoke huntin’ jezebel fire mush, uncle, fetched pick-up, put rodeo lyin’ in dogs spittin’. Squalor deep-fried eatin’ old shotgun, havin’, bacon, whoopin’ commencin’ weren’t. Country pasture, sheep, havin’ catfight, deep-fried squalor it. Feud moonshine, jiggly, took come, lament boobtube jest catfight smokin’ feud fightin’, whoopin’.