I went to the bathroom one night in my Florida apartment and there was a cockroach there. I was tired. I told it, “If you’re gone by morning I’ll leave you alone,” and went back to bed. It didn’t listen— I heard this crunching noise, and in the morning discovered it had followed me into the bedroom and encountered the cat. Hey, he had his chance…
steverinoCT over 4 years ago
I went to the bathroom one night in my Florida apartment and there was a cockroach there. I was tired. I told it, “If you’re gone by morning I’ll leave you alone,” and went back to bed. It didn’t listen— I heard this crunching noise, and in the morning discovered it had followed me into the bedroom and encountered the cat. Hey, he had his chance…
mi_sbs over 4 years ago
I once walked in the bathroom and the cockroach was sitting on the toilet reading a book.