The Middletons by Dana Summers for February 20, 2012

  1. Flash
    pschearer Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Does America’s best jazz still come from Salt Lake City?

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    CPHIGH  about 13 years ago

    Sorry, the Pistons were originally the Fort Wayne Pistons. Because their original city was Fort Wayne and they were owned by a company that made engine pistons.

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  3. Sany0002
    danlarios  about 13 years ago

    time changes everything

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    Ardrienne  about 13 years ago

    Actually, the Rockets were originally in San Diego…and the Nuggets were the Rockets in their early ABA days, until changing the name to avoid confusion with the NBA Rockets. And the Fort Wayne Pistons were already referenced above. So Dad needs to do some research. :)

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    rekitect  about 13 years ago

    Don’t forget all those lakes in Los Angeles.

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