Do what my grandfather did. Went out in the backyard, fired off his shotgun, then announced that " There’ll be no Christmas this year ! Santa Claus is dead ! "
Somewhere in my papers I have an article from a NJ paper with the headline SANTA C CLAUS SUCCUMBS and a photo of a man who spent much of his life in the role of Santa Claus (he changed his name legally years before) looking just like the jolly old elf, costume and all. It appeared a day or two before Christmas one year. I always figured it must have saved some parents some money. “Sorry, kids, but just look at this…”
Hey Pab, how about having Queenie go on a FOX hunt? She and her friends could ride horses and hunt down Rush, Bill, Glenn, and all the other simple-minded animals.
Christmas, Hanukkah, Saturnalia, Yule, Solstice, Festivus… people don’t all call it the same thing, but everybody celebrates something around late December..Have a happy whateveryoucallit.
Linguist about 12 years ago
Do what my grandfather did. Went out in the backyard, fired off his shotgun, then announced that " There’ll be no Christmas this year ! Santa Claus is dead ! "
pcolli about 12 years ago
It’s a lot of fuss and stress for just one day of gift-giving.
Kip W about 12 years ago
Somewhere in my papers I have an article from a NJ paper with the headline SANTA C CLAUS SUCCUMBS and a photo of a man who spent much of his life in the role of Santa Claus (he changed his name legally years before) looking just like the jolly old elf, costume and all. It appeared a day or two before Christmas one year. I always figured it must have saved some parents some money. “Sorry, kids, but just look at this…”
PoodleGroomer about 12 years ago
The Monarchy is only retained with the support of the merchant class. Declaring war on Christmas is declaring war on the Merchants.
GESWho about 12 years ago
There is no war on Christmas. You are free to celebrate it as much as you want in your Church, Synagogue, or Mosque.
Sherlock Watson about 12 years ago
Hey Pab, how about having Queenie go on a FOX hunt? She and her friends could ride horses and hunt down Rush, Bill, Glenn, and all the other simple-minded animals.
meowlin about 12 years ago
Christmas, Hanukkah, Saturnalia, Yule, Solstice, Festivus… people don’t all call it the same thing, but everybody celebrates something around late December..Have a happy whateveryoucallit.
pcolli about 12 years ago
Where did you get that info from? I know Muslims who celebrate christmas.
dlklabunde about 12 years ago
if Thames is pronounced Temmsthen flames would be phlemsyuck