It’s the second-to-last party that a mom gets, so let her have fun. The last party that’s for a mom is the baby’s first birthday. After that, it’s all about the kid.
I had a boss who used to say she hated going to baby showers because she’d leave 50 IQ points lower than she arrived with. All the “That’s so cute!!” and “Awww” and “How many bra sizes did you go through?”…. Just everything stirred up all the mothering hormones and messed with her brain and raised her voice an octave.
lightenup Premium Member over 12 years ago
It’s the second-to-last party that a mom gets, so let her have fun. The last party that’s for a mom is the baby’s first birthday. After that, it’s all about the kid.
Mike Blake over 12 years ago
“The Frog & Peach.” Don’t think too many will get that reference.
mysticturner over 12 years ago
I had a boss who used to say she hated going to baby showers because she’d leave 50 IQ points lower than she arrived with. All the “That’s so cute!!” and “Awww” and “How many bra sizes did you go through?”…. Just everything stirred up all the mothering hormones and messed with her brain and raised her voice an octave.
pabsfx-comics over 12 years ago
I remember my mistakes and I can repeat them exactly!