The Other Coast by Adrian Raeside for November 04, 2012

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    StelBel  over 12 years ago

    Yes. Where do I get one?

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    rush.diana  over 12 years ago

    Ah the roll back of the clock….My kitty knew something was different, she started howling and slapping me around for her breakfast 3 hours earlier this morning =^..^=

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    OscarDonald  over 12 years ago

    Central Standard Time, no changes, no unhappy pets! :)

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    Dani Rice  over 12 years ago

    I feed our dog three small meals a day, and he knows when it is noon and 5PM. Comes in carrying his bowl in his mouth. If you ignore him he takes it to the top if the steps and throws it down the stairs. Bang, clatter, bump.

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    Hunter7  over 12 years ago

    My friend’s dogs took to the return to Standard Time whole heartedly. They woke her up 2 hours earlier.

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