Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for April 26, 1998
Director: Cut! The lighting was off! Actor: Oh, fiddlesticks! I can't work like this! Man: So taht's the campaign! Woman: Hmm...its a good image for Hi-Ho! Sportsquench: No fancy image, just great taste. Man: Horrible! What a chiche end-shot! Beads of sweat on teh bottle?! Com on, people! That shot's got to say: This is real! This is not some slick come-on! Having no our image, people! Director: Sorry, you're just not convincing as an ad executive. Who hired this guy? Man: I quit! Man: I like it! It's edgy! It's ironic! Cynical, multi-dimensionally self-referential. That's what the brats who drink this Energ-e swill like! Hi-Ho Where image truly ends and where sugar water begins... Continued...