Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for January 26, 2008
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling NATE The Neoconservative Nate: "Sigh" We join Nate in an important meeting at the New York Tribune... Man: Nate, to balance out our pundits who are occasionally RIGHT, we'd like you to write some op-ed pieces for us! Nate: Excuse me. Am I the only one who sees that this guy wants to come in? Man: NO! That's the window washer! Nate: Hey, buddy. It's easier to use the door... Nate: Hmm...committed suicide when he saw me...must have been a remorseful cut-and-runner! CAFETERIA Man: Uk...CHOKING! Nate: This poor fellow is obviously hungry! Here, have a turkey sandwich! Man: MMPH, MMPH! Nate: Doesn't anyone else here "get it"? "SIGH!" Woman: I'll be right there. I'm burning a disc... FOOSH Man: Impressive! You were disastrously WRONG again, but THIS TIME horrible deaths didn't occur! We'd like you to be a REGULAR COLUMNIST! Nate: It's about time! "SIGH"