Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for November 25, 2011
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling God-Man Woman: Help! We're being mugged! God-Man: SIGH Earth...again! Woman: Don't shoot! NO! BAM Woman: You got here too late! Bertram's been SHOT! God-Man: Alright. Come on. Woman: You got here too late! Bertram's been SHOT! God-Man: There you go! Woman: What just happened?! God-Man: Oh. I just took you to a different, alternative universe in which Bertram's still alive. Woman: What kind of solution is THIS? What about all the universes in which he's DEAD?! Bertram: I AM? Woman: It makes no sense and this universe looks STRANGE! Voice: Look out below! KLANG Woman: MMF God-Man: Oh. Now, which universe did I leave my coffee cup in? The End
“Why didn’t God-Man just bring Bertram back to life (and send her to Hell)? Can it be that God-Man is NOT as powerful as he would have us believe?”
If God-Man did bring Bertram back to life, they would still be in an alternate universe to the one in which he died. Ruben is just showing us the process.
Of course, even with an infinite number of alternate universes being formed every instant, an individual can only occupy one at a time, so if Bertram and his companion were transferred to one in which Bertram wasn’t shot, their doppelgangers already residing in that universe would have to be shifted elsewhere, possibly (probably) one where Bertram DOES die.
Not necessarily. It’s not just that Bertram does not die, it’s that God-Man intervenes to change the course of history. At the moment God-Man changes things, he may create a new universe in which Bertram hasn’t died. In that case, nobody is displaced, because nobody existed until God-Man took the man and the woman out of their time-stream and into the new universe.
Sorry. I’ve been writing alternate reality stories for about five years, now, and I may be overthinking the concept a little. :-)