Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for March 15, 2013
Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling JUDGE SCALIA This Week: "Legislative Soul Search!" Two-Fisted Tales of the Justice of ACTION -- NOT Activism Judge Scalia arrives as the Justices discuss a case - CRASH Judge #1: Maybe we should look at the history of how the law was passed... Judge #2: JUDGE SCALIA! Judge Scalia: Fool! Legislative history has no place in judicial review! We interpret the WORDS of the STATUTE! POW Judge: B-but we're deciding whether to strike down the Voting Rights Act! Judge Scalia: Ah, a "racial entitlement"? That's totally different! Judge: So we SHOULD review the debates and writings of Congress? Judge Scalia: More than THAT, you buffoon! The process has begun. The ethereal form of Judge Scalia leaves his body and goes on an excursion into the psychic dimension. H enters the very souls of those senators who voted 98-0 to renew the Voting Rights Act in 2006. Judge: He's BACK! Judge Scalia: We must strike down the Voting Rights Act! Congress only renewed it because they feared voter fallout if they opposed it! Judge: So the political process was POLITICS? Judge Scalia: Precisely! And THAT'S when the court must step in and right that wrong! THE END JUDGE SCALIA on JUDGING: What is the Supreme Court's role if not to protect the minority? Of course, by "minority," I mean that minority of states with histories of voter suppression.
Randy B Premium Member about 12 years ago
The contortions required to justify one’s “completely apolitical” worldview and limit cognitive dissonance..Very, very, very sad.
Mostly Water Premium Member about 12 years ago
The Supremes are like popes. You’re stuck with the sour apples for life unless they retire or die. In fact, I believe there is one sitting justice who is actually dead. His staff just props him up on an as needed basis. What a bizarre system in a modern world.
Clair Henderson Premium Member about 12 years ago
@ Mr. Bolling:Very nice channeling of Steve Ditko in panels 6 & 7, there. It’s been a while since I took a trip with “Dr. Strange” but you do him justice…And I’ll take my leave after that atrocious pun….
ickymungmung about 12 years ago
i wish Scalia would steal a page from Rome and blow white smoke out of his ass whenever bull shit comes out of his mouth. That would be a lot of white smoke. Tons, even.
jpozenel about 12 years ago
My head hurts!
thebaldtexican about 12 years ago
I love liberals, that worship at the temple of hypocrisy! It’s ok for some states to practice voter discrimination (by not enforcing voter id’s) and not ok for others…
ickymungmung almost 12 years ago
Between 2000 and 2010, there were:
649 million votes cast in general elections
47,000 UFO sightings
441 Americans killed by lightning
13 credible cases of in-person voter impersonation
From here:
thebaldtexican: it is abundantly clear that you dislike the dreaded “liberals”— perhaps you have an abundant supply of government cash at hand to make it possible to seek out and destroy the “13 credible cases of in-person voter impersonation” over that 10 year period?