Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling for August 28, 2014
Enjoy this Classic Tom the Dancing Bug Vintage 2009 Every Thursday Panels from the annals of the Tom the Dancing Bug archive Check back every Friday for a fresh, brand new Tom the Dancing Bug! Tom the Dancing Bug by Ruben Bolling Man: ...which is why the discovery of this Ardipithecus ramidus fossil is so important to the study of human evolution. Man: She lived 4.4 million years ago and may very well have been our ancestor. Man: The smaller canine teeth indicate that this species was not aggressive, but rather lived cooperatively and peacefully. Charley: Pshaw! Charley: You can tell by a fossilized tooth that this creature was kind and gentle?! Man: Well, by extrapolating from extant primate species... Charley: That seems speculative in the extreme, sir! Charley: I would submit that this individual was FAR from kind -- in fact, she was COLD-HEARTED! Man: Wait a minute! Security, grab him! Remove his crude disguise! Charley: HEY! Man: Aha! Man: An Australopithecine -- ANOTHER extinct hominid! Did you KNOW this ardipithecine? Charley: Worse...I DATED HER! Charley: BITCH NEVER GAVE ME BACK MY SHARP ROCK COLLECTION! Man: Obviously biased. I return to my theory... NEXT Charley: Um...can I have that picture?
steverinoCT over 10 years ago
…and the rocks were all scratched!
jpozenel over 10 years ago
The jilted lover…
Michelle Morris over 10 years ago
His species can’t be extinct if he’s still alive!
nerdhoof over 10 years ago
I bet he hates that lizard that stole his job making insurance commercials.