I was amazed when one Repulsive senator stated this was the first time he heard the evidence. The House worked on this for a while and he’s just now hearing it. Really what was he up too all that time? Others aren’t listening their minds made up. Waiting now to watch the Trump Show…….the defense will do nothing but slam the House side with insults, attacking people not the evidence. Which having court experience myself means the evidence and testimony is perfect and true. To win the defense will attack you personally instead of the evidence……….distraction is the name of the game!
I was amazed when one Repulsive senator stated this was the first time he heard the evidence. The House worked on this for a while and he’s just now hearing it. Really what was he up too all that time? Others aren’t listening their minds made up. Waiting now to watch the Trump Show…….the defense will do nothing but slam the House side with insults, attacking people not the evidence. Which having court experience myself means the evidence and testimony is perfect and true. To win the defense will attack you personally instead of the evidence……….distraction is the name of the game!