ViewsAfrica by Cartoon Movement-US for October 06, 2011

  1. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  almost 13 years ago

    What, no jolly roger?( there I go again, projecting a Eurocentrism on something African )

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  2. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  almost 13 years ago

    Kimberly Grant asked “Watch and see how much aid flows from oil-rich Muslim countries to their dying co-religionists in Africa.Can you say “Zero”….?”Sure you can but you’d be wrong. Again.I’ve responded to your assertion before elsewhere and proved you wrong, so I’ll try enlighten you once more:First, double check before you assert anything, use a reliable source: Guardian U.K (I know you like to call yourself liberal so you won’t mind the Guardian, it’s a great newspaper)It refers its source as the …U.N OCHA website…straight from the whatchamacallit’s mouth.Excerpts:Saudi Arabia: US$60 million (pop. 26 million = $2.30 p/capita)U.A.E.: $ 17 million (pop. 5 million = $3.4 p/capita)The Sudan: $2,5 million (pop 45 million = $0.06 p/capita)Qatar: $5.6 milion (pop. 0.8 million = $7.00 p/capita)Turkey: $37 million (pop. 79 million = $ 0.47 p/capita)China: $68 million (pop 1.33 billion =5 UScents p/capita)USA: $643+13 million (pop 313 million = $2.10 p/capita)Norway: $37 million (pledged another whopping 53 million) (pop 4.69 million = $7.79 ($19.74 w/pledge))Denmark $45 million (pop. 5.5 million = $8.18 p/capita)Sweden: $68 million (pop. 9 million = $7.56U.K.: $243 (pop. 62.5 million = $3.89 p/capita)Kuwait: $11.4 (pop. 2.6 million = $4.56 p/capitaOthers:Islamic development Bank $ 2.2 millionPledged:Algeria: $10 millionEgypt: $6 millionBahrain; $ 3 millionBonus:OPEC A measly $200 000Organisation of Islamic Cooperation $ 346 million (mind you. it still just a pledge, shall see if it pans out)Some time ago I brought up the fact that Oxfam had berated African countries for not contributing enough. There has been some success with this public pressure and some have stepped up to the plate, but admittedly, not enough.( $ = US dollar; per capita = total population, not active population, figures taken from always bring up population figures as it at least brings into perspective the size of contribution relative to size of population. Still not a very good indicator as incomes per capita across countries differ widely.2nd lastly: If you can find error in these figures/donations, feel free to reply and correct me, I can stand to be corrected.Lastly: You’re welcome.

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  3. Don quixote 1955
    OmqR-IV.0  over 12 years ago

    said, 4 days ago “Watch and see how much aid flows from oil-rich Muslim countries to their dying co-religionists in Africa. Can you say “Zero”….?” I answered your question, for the 2nd time. And all you can tell me is that the income per capita of most of these countries is an example of “lies, damn lies, and statistics” despite my disclaimer for its use at the end of my post. But, you know, you’re right, for example, in the USA, 1% holds 50% of the wealth. :-|If we remove the per capita amounts (which I put in, see disclaimer above), what changes? Is it still “zero”?

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