Wizard of Id by Parker and Hart for April 30, 2012

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    Llewellenbruce  almost 13 years ago

    Run Rodney run!

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    King_Shark  almost 13 years ago

    Must be a burial ground of Pithecanthropi for the Huns to have found so many of their skulls.

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  3. Kenny
    The Nihilist  almost 13 years ago

    The Lesser Hun Society??

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  4. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member almost 13 years ago

    The other way, Rodney.

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  5. Cool smiley
    Dewed  almost 13 years ago

    Looks like they had shish kabobs today

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  6. Galapagos tortoise 3r
    PShaw0423  almost 13 years ago

    Kind of like a welcome mat that says: “FAIR WARNING: GO AWAY”.

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    corpcasselbury  almost 13 years ago

    “Non-violent crimes’? Drug dealers are among the most violent of criminals.

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    Big_Tex  almost 13 years ago

    Life is not much of a deterent either, even without the possibility of parole.

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  9. Bassethound abernathy
    boldyuma  almost 13 years ago

    I mis-read Rodneys statement..I was thinking those

    are some pretty blood thirsty ‘nuns’

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  10. But eo
    Rakkav  almost 13 years ago

    People who commit crimes believe they will never get caught therefore the punishment doesn’t bother them. But that’s because they’re trained to believe this, from childhood up in many cases. Nobody holds them accountable in family, school or elsewhere as they should.

    King Solomon dealt with this issue long ago, in Ecclesiastes. Exercise sentence swiftly and surely and fairly, and as befits the crime, and it will be a deterrent. But you see, the “studies” and their liberal defenders never take that into account.

    Prohibition was a stupid idea inherently – drinking in moderation and within family contexts keeps alcoholism to the barest minimum and (guess what?) sound-minded “studies” have shown this consistently. The same goes for related problems such as drug abuse and prostitution. You have to work on problems like that on both ends – apply the carrot as well as the stick. People need to know how to live and why to live, and then be given the power to do both which they don’t have inherently but were designed to have all the same.

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    tuslog64  almost 13 years ago
    A friend claims he noted that there were few if any laws regulating drinking in Germany. And there were no problems with underage drinkers.

    Another country, wiped all the laws on pornography off the books.X-rated shops sprang up on every corner.A year later, they were all gone.Sometimes, laws just entice people.

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  12. Large opopopopopop
    xall2h1  almost 13 years ago

    this is what they would do back in midevil times

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    Pygar  almost 13 years ago

    Very few dead murderers are repeat offenders. I hope no one here tries to drag out that ridiculous “executions cost more than decades of incarceration” nonsense. Bullets and ropes are not made of diamonds. And neither is a simple syringe of Nembutal- good enough for a family pet, far better than any murderer deserves. Such people are adding in the cost of lawyers as part of the expense of executions… so let ’em work pro bono and we get to see which of these oh-so-caring slime protectors really care!

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  14. 1.richard waiting
    yuggib  almost 13 years ago

    Hey! He just didn’t go far enough in his theory. Yes, as it stands, capital punishment is not much of a deterant, so lets add something that did prove effective in the aftermath of WWII. Whe Ikeheard about the communities surrounding the camps stating that they didn’t know what went on there, he made them ALL, man, woman and child, walk through the piles of bodies. So, my suggestion is to make it mandatory that each year, every school class be escorted to an execution. And let’s do away with the PC BS of “the State can kill them, but cannot hurt them in the process.” Let’s go back to hanging. Let’s also do away with the length of time it presently takes for appeal. No more than, let’s say three month, then, if the case is not reversed on appeal, the perp is executed. Having been to prison, it is utter Bull Feathers that it is not a deterant. I never want to go back. Most of those I met there are of the same thought.

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    Big_Tex  almost 13 years ago

    Take a look at what’s happening in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. MJ is legal there, but they are only getting stronger, (the drug not the people).

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    Big_Tex  almost 13 years ago

    Lots of people want to race on the highway. Should we let them?

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    Keith Messamer  almost 13 years ago

    Must be the EPA HQ.

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