Our beautiful old Tudor home had cast iron sewer pipes. When those pipes wore out and cracked, there was, literally, a flood of sewage. It was very expensive to fix.
On this very day I’m going to drain my hot water heater, with a fancy tool that supposedly chops up the sludge in the bottom (powered by a cordless drill) so it will drain out along with the water.
there might’ve been a good reason for the original owner installing all the plumbing backwards in our current abode, but i don’t have the expertise to guess why… ☺
davidob about 23 hours ago
A man’s home is his hassle.
Is like a melody Premium Member about 21 hours ago
Our beautiful old Tudor home had cast iron sewer pipes. When those pipes wore out and cracked, there was, literally, a flood of sewage. It was very expensive to fix.
Mostly Water Premium Member about 18 hours ago
Been there.
FireAnt_Hater about 17 hours ago
On this very day I’m going to drain my hot water heater, with a fancy tool that supposedly chops up the sludge in the bottom (powered by a cordless drill) so it will drain out along with the water.
And it’s my birthday! What fun…
PoodleGroomer about 16 hours ago
And two chimneys in the inner frame of the house that need to be restored.
Impkins Premium Member about 16 hours ago
Is there a money tree growing in the back???? :)
gopher gofer about 9 hours ago
there might’ve been a good reason for the original owner installing all the plumbing backwards in our current abode, but i don’t have the expertise to guess why… ☺