I already get AI telemarketing calls…
If my computer starts answering back, I may have to pull the plug, addicted as I am.
I already refuse to have conversations with Cortina and the Google Assistant.
I’d like to hang onto a little sliver of my autonomy… and maybe my sanity, if that ship hasn’t already sailed.
Scott… from yesterday…. sorry I didn’t get back then…
“Poiuyt” is simply the top row of a Querty keyboard, right to left, from P to T.
I don’t remember why MAD chose that word… but I do remember the instructions for typing it.
John Zakour and Scott Roberts
I already get AI telemarketing calls…
If my computer starts answering back, I may have to pull the plug, addicted as I am.
I already refuse to have conversations with Cortina and the Google Assistant.
I’d like to hang onto a little sliver of my autonomy… and maybe my sanity, if that ship hasn’t already sailed.
Scott… from yesterday…. sorry I didn’t get back then…
“Poiuyt” is simply the top row of a Querty keyboard, right to left, from P to T.
I don’t remember why MAD chose that word… but I do remember the instructions for typing it.