By lucky chance I had prepared a week of Christmas reruns for this week.
Why lucky? Well, I didn’t have any new Christmas one from John. I was saving his next batch for January. I was straining to think of any myself, and didn’t have a lot… and I was no longer five weeks ahead as I had been over the summer…
And then my computer crashed. Sudden black screen of death. No amount of restarts, or holding down any combination of keys, was bringing it back. Sure, I had my laptop- but that didn’t have all my files yet, nor Photoshop. I couldn’t produce any new strips.
The short version of what happened next is that I had to buy a new desktop. So the next new WD we see here will be done on that. It’s bigger, and it has the latest version of Photoshop installed. It’s very different from the one I bought in 2012. Lots of learning to do, but so far Ive been able to work on my latest PRINCE VALIANT page- so it does work when I learn all the new ropes.
By lucky chance I had prepared a week of Christmas reruns for this week.
Why lucky? Well, I didn’t have any new Christmas one from John. I was saving his next batch for January. I was straining to think of any myself, and didn’t have a lot… and I was no longer five weeks ahead as I had been over the summer…
And then my computer crashed. Sudden black screen of death. No amount of restarts, or holding down any combination of keys, was bringing it back. Sure, I had my laptop- but that didn’t have all my files yet, nor Photoshop. I couldn’t produce any new strips.
The short version of what happened next is that I had to buy a new desktop. So the next new WD we see here will be done on that. It’s bigger, and it has the latest version of Photoshop installed. It’s very different from the one I bought in 2012. Lots of learning to do, but so far Ive been able to work on my latest PRINCE VALIANT page- so it does work when I learn all the new ropes.
Enjoy this week of visits to Christmas Past.