Although the guy on the left does seem to have a blank face, how can the one speaking tell that the other guy is even looking at him, much less staring?
We hired the husband of a woman who was one of our engineers. He was a sweet guy but he would just look at you with that deer-in-the-headlights look and you had no idea if he understood the simple task you were explaining. After he threw out the power supply while unpacking an expensive piece of electronics, we had to let him go.
Julius Marold Premium Member 12 months ago
Not to mention how he drinks his coffee…
Doug K 12 months ago
Although the guy on the left does seem to have a blank face, how can the one speaking tell that the other guy is even looking at him, much less staring?
oakie817 12 months ago
oh thought it was a fill in the blanks
Frank Burns Eats Worms 12 months ago
He just couldn’t face another day.
mistercatworks 12 months ago
We hired the husband of a woman who was one of our engineers. He was a sweet guy but he would just look at you with that deer-in-the-headlights look and you had no idea if he understood the simple task you were explaining. After he threw out the power supply while unpacking an expensive piece of electronics, we had to let him go.