Love (not) to hear the store audio systems blasting out “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” as checkout lines stretch to the back of the store and move at a snail’s pace and tempers fray. (And this isn’t for buying holiday gifts, but just groceries and getting prescriptions filled!)
May all have a warm and bright solstice celebration of their choice despite it all.
MeanBob Premium Member 2 days ago
She’s serious, zip it or she’ll stab you to death with a potato.
mccollunsky 2 days ago
Hmm Carl, that was not the smartest thing to do.
cabalonrye 1 day ago
See big red button with sticker: “Danger”. Press on it.
wongo 1 day ago
Jan needs to get laid! Big time!
Fairy Dragon 1 day ago
Sounds like perimenopause…
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member 1 day ago
Love (not) to hear the store audio systems blasting out “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year” as checkout lines stretch to the back of the store and move at a snail’s pace and tempers fray. (And this isn’t for buying holiday gifts, but just groceries and getting prescriptions filled!)
May all have a warm and bright solstice celebration of their choice despite it all.
sipsienwa Premium Member 1 day ago
Even the Whoville crowd must get tired of some of this. Happy Holidays.
olds_cool63 about 19 hours ago
Punch him! Punch him good!